• 11 мая 2017, четверг
  • Москва, Потаповский переулок д. 16, стр. 10

Доклад “Exploring underlying psychological mechanisms: Testing for mediation”

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Центр мониторинга качества образования НИУ ВШЭ
2782 дня назад
11 мая 2017, начало в 18:00
Потаповский переулок д. 16, стр. 10

В рамках семинара "Измерения в социальных науках" выступит Марина Васильева, PhD, associate professor, Counseling, developmental, and educational psychology department, Boston College

Аннотация доклада: 
“The nature of the relation between children’s educational outcomes and the characteristics of their school, and family environment has been a subject of numerous studies. Contemporary researchers are particularly interested in identifying the mechanisms underlying this relation. In terms of research methodology, this type of investigation involves testing for potential mediators. Mediators are variables that explain the relation between the primary independent and dependent variables in the study.  My presentation will focus on the analysis of mediators in the context of psychological and educational research.
  Following a conceptual overview of mediation, I will present a recent study that investigated potential mechanisms underlying the relation between parental income and children’s school readiness.  Clearly, the fact that parents have more money cannot itself facilitate the growth of the child’s skills, but it does increase access to educational materials and activities that directly affect the growth of these skills. Thus,  home resources and parent-child activities may serve as mediators of the relation between parental income and child development. Using this study as an example, I will review the main statistical tools (estimating confidence intervals for indirect effects and structural equation modeling) that are currently utilized in the study of mediation.”
 C научной биографией лектора можно ознакомиться по ссылке: http://www.bc.edu/schools/lsoe/facu...
Место проведения: Потаповский переулок д. 16, стр 10, аудитория 309
Дата и время проведения лекции: 11 мая, 18:00
Язык лекции: доклад и дискуссия на русском языке, презентация на английском языке.


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