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Семинар Центра мониторинга качества образования Института образования Высшей школы экономики. Выступление Питера Тиммса (Peter Tymms www.dur.ac.uk/education/staff/profi...) и Кристины Меррелл (Christine Merrell www.dur.ac.uk/education/staff/profi...).
Тема доклада:
Sequences with stopping rules: an effective algorithm?
Computer adaptive tests can be a very efficient way of carrying out an assessment. But the most efficient algorithm may not always be suitable. The talk will describe when and why a sequences-with-stopping-rules approach is effective. It will discuss adaptive assessments when a limited number of items are available, when the candidates might be upset if they are presented with very hard items and when the factor structure of the main construct is different for different candidates. Examples will be taken from the iPIPS project.
Язык семинара: английский.
Подробнее о проекте iPIPS: https://ioe.hse.ru/monitoring/ipips